Thursday 2 February 2012

Active Citizens Launch

We recently held a launch for our Active Citizens project, we invited local partnership organisations to join us to discuss their involvement.

It was a great opportunity to discuss how we might work with other local organisations, including the Totterdown Residents Environmental and Social Action Group (TRESA), UWE, some student froms UWE's SIFE team, the Square Food Foundation, Windmill Hill Community Orchard, Bristol City Council, Somerset Terrace Action Group (STAG) and others.

We discussed our community asset map where we will be able to have local organisations represented on an interactive map on Windmill Hill City Farm's website, our Playground Media  Project, the opportunity to have an fruit map and how other organisations might be involved.

It was a fantastic evening and everyone who participated brought
Here are some pictures of the event with various people from the organisations who joined in the discussion.

For the event we had some lovely soup and bread and cheese and pickle, the pickles used produce grown at the farm.

Watch this space for updates about the fruit map, the community asset map and other projects...